Your body has remarkable ways of signaling early pregnancy. If you've recently had unprotected sex and missed your period, it's possible that you could be experiencing early signs of pregnancy.
Need answers now? Text anonymously with a care expert at no cost at (208) 521-5488.
Early Pregnancy Signs & Symptoms
While every pregnancy and woman is unique, here are some common thoughts you might be having.1
- Have I missed my period?
- I feel nauseous.
- My breasts are sore.
- I’m using the bathroom more than usual.
- I feel unusually tired.
- I wonder why I’m feeling so emotional.
If you're reading this, chances are you've noticed some changes in your body that are making you wonder, "Could I be pregnant?"
It is also possible to still be pregnant even if you think you’ve had your period. On some occasions, you may experience “implantation bleeding,”2 which can result in light spotting but is not itself a period.
How to Find Out if You’re Pregnant
If you're experiencing these symptoms or recently had unprotected sex, know that we’ve supported many women facing similar concerns.
Pregnancy Test
The first step in confirming pregnancy is to take a lab-grade pregnancy test, which is usually over 99% accurate in detecting hormone levels that indicate pregnancy.
As a non-profit, we offer free pregnancy tests. For those who qualify, we can also schedule a non-diagnostic ultrasound at the next appointment to confirm the gestational age of the pregnancy.
An ultrasound not only confirms pregnancy but also assesses the fetus's viability to ensure that the pregnancy has not miscarried and is not ectopic. In addition, sonographers can measure the fetus to estimate the approximate date of conception. Contact us to schedule a free appointment for your ultrasound.
Online Pregnancy Help
If you need help confirming your pregnancy, getting a free test, or even an ultrasound, Nest Pregnancy Care Center is here to help.
Simply send a text to (208) 521-5488 and get a care expert to answer your questions and walk you through your options.
1. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/9687-ectopic-pregnancy
2. https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/pregnancy-week-by-week/expert-answers/implantation-bleeding