You Deserve the Facts

You don’t have to make a decision based on the pressures around you. Get the information and education you need about your pregnancy options to make an informed decision. We’re here to come alongside you and help support you along the way.

What we offer

If you are facing a potential unplanned pregnancy, the first step to confirmation is with a pregnancy test! We offer them at no cost to you so you can receive your first step to clarity.

Begin your recovery process after an abortion experience. You don’t have to stay stuck in the past any longer. Healing is possible with support and resources at Nest Pregnancy Care Center.

Find clarity to your abortion questions below. We tackle the physical risks that come with both types of abortion procedures and what to do before an abortion to safeguard your health.

When Should I Take a Pregnancy Test?

According to the Mayo Clinic, the best time to take a pregnancy test is at least one week after a missed period to get the most accurate results. At that point, your body has time to produce the right amount of the pregnancy hormone hCG.

What Are the Risks of Abortion?

Consider the risks that come with abortion. There are two main types of abortion: medical and surgical abortion. Visit our abortion page to learn more about the procedures and risks. You deserve the facts before making your final decision.

Am I Really Pregnant?

Are you pregnant and not sure what to do next? It may seem overwhelming to tackle the big decisions that come next. You are not alone as you navigate your next steps. Take a no-cost, self-test pregnancy test at Nest Pregnancy Care Center to get the clarity you need to move forward.

Make an Appointment

What OurClients Say

"As a teen mom, I benefited from a pregnancy center.  They walked me through my options, and then walked alongside me when I chose to keep the baby."

"I was so excited to see we were finally getting a pregnancy center in Idaho Falls!"

"They gave me all of my options and didn’t judge my decisions at all."

"They gave me all of my options and didn’t judge my decisions at all."

"They gave me all of my options and didn’t judge my decisions at all."
